For most people a log cabin home evokes picturesque scenes of a cabin in a crisp mountain valley. The cabins large picture windows give a breathtaking view of a wooded valley, while inside the fire gives off a warm glow that gently lights up the rustic interior. Its a nice dream and you can make it happen and get the perfect log cabin if you spend time properly planning your log cabin build project. You too can join those who are fulfilling their dream of owning a log cabin and escaping the hectic pace of modern life.
Before you can apply for any sort of construction loan you will need to have all your quotes ready. Unless you plan on doing a lot of the work yourself you will need to get quotes from contractors such as plumbers, roofers, masons and electricians. Make sure you budget for all these services when you are working out the finances for the build.
Building permit requirements vary from county to county and often decisions can seem pretty subjective.Log Cabin HomeLog Cabin Home PlanLog Home PlanLog Cabin Home KitLog CabinLog HomeRustic DecorLog Cabin FurnitureLog Cabin Home Decor